Moving On Up: What You Need To Know About Selling To A Home Investment Company

After years of saving money, are you finally ready to buy your forever home? To help you locate and secure the home of your dreams, consider hiring a skilled, real estate agent in your area. Hiring a real estate agent is especially important if you’ve never purchased a home before. After discovering what type of home you desire, this individual can show you several options in the neighborhoods of your choice. Your real estate agent can also negotiate a purchase price with the home seller of the place you’re interested in buying. On this blog, I hope you will discover the amazing advantages of hiring a real estate agent when you’re ready to buy a home. Enjoy!

Moving On Up: What You Need To Know About Selling To A Home Investment Company

Moving On Up: What You Need To Know About Selling To A Home Investment Company

24 October 2014
Real Estate, Articles

If you're tired of living in your current home or if you have a spare property you want to sell, you might have considered contacting a home investment company, like We Buy Ugly Houses. Companies that flip houses are usually willing to pay quickly for your unwanted properties, so it's important to consider them when deciding how to plan the sale of your home.

Selling For Cash Makes A Wallet Happy

Unlike personal buyers who typically must make their purchase with the help of a loan from the bank, home investment companies offer a wide variety of payment options. Most companies offer certified funds or cash in hand, and some will even take over your current mortgage payments and relieve you of your debt. Also unlike personal buyers, who may not qualify for necessary loans, a sale to a home investment company is virtually guaranteed once both parties agree to it. 

Selling to a company that buys homes for cash can also save you on transaction fees. You won't need to pay a Realtor to show or advertise your property, for example. You also likely won't need to pay to have your home inspected, since most home buying companies make their purchases as-is.

Do Less Work, Sell More Quickly

Since you're selling directly to a company, you don't have to worry about showing multiple potential buyers around the home. By extension, this means you'll save a lot of time and effort that would otherwise have been spent making your home presentable for a showroom - i.e. repainting the walls and redecorating. Personal buyers can also demand repairs be performed before they buy the house, but with house flipping companies, you don't have to do any repairs before selling.

Selling to a home buying company also allows you to avoid pounding the pavement, both literally and figuratively, to advertise the sale of your home. You won't need to put up signs or post online to let people know your home is for sale because you'll only be dealing with one customer.

Best of all, home investment companies typically close sales quickly. If your home is just what they're looking for, a good company can sometimes close the sale in as little as 7 days. You also don't have to stress about the buyer deciding to back out on a whim or over problems they discover in the home. 

Keeping Unwanted Homes Can Hurt You

If you're hanging onto your house in the hopes of finding the perfect buyer, you might be doing yourself more harm than good. Aside from the constant intrusion of people coming to see the home or demanding inspections and repairs, your wallet can feel the sting of an unwanted home as well.

As long as you own your home, you'll continue to pay the mortgage, maintenance cost, property taxes, and the expense of any repairs you have to do while you live there. You'll also be subjected to the constant worry of lowering property values. As any home seller knows, no worse feeling exists than realizing you could have made tens of thousands more by selling your home instead of holding onto it.

Worst of all, without the money from the home sale, your budget can end up strained in the event of an emergency. It's always a good idea to have a nest egg to help support you through unexpected tough times, but when you haven't yet sold your home, you may not be able to scrape together money when you need it

Selling to a home investment company can put money in your pocket and you in a new home pretty quickly. Before you call your local Realtor, consider giving your local cash home buying company a call first, and you might just save yourself money and hassle.

About Me
Buying Your Forever Home

After years of saving money, are you finally ready to buy your forever home? To help you locate and secure the home of your dreams, consider hiring a skilled, real estate agent in your area. Hiring a real estate agent is especially important if you’ve never purchased a home before. After discovering what type of home you desire, this individual can show you several options in the neighborhoods of your choice. Your real estate agent can also negotiate a purchase price with the home seller of the place you’re interested in buying. On this blog, I hope you will discover the amazing advantages of hiring a real estate agent when you’re ready to buy a home. Enjoy!
